Child Support

image 3Are you struggling child support issues? Do you need someone to help resolve this difficult issue in a way that is fair to both parents and to the children?

Under law, both parents are required to provide support for their children. This is done in order to ensure that a child’s basic needs are met and to allow the child to benefit from the monetary resources of the parent. For these reasons, child support is about the rights of the child, not the parents. Child support is a monthly amount of money that one parent is obligated to pay to the other parent for the needs of the minor child or children.Child support is for such items as housing, food, clothing, utilities, activities, and other expenses of the children.

Child support issues can come up in the context of divorce, separation, an unmarried relationship, or a request for modification of an existing court order. Our child support attorneys help mothers and fathers pursue fair and appropriate child support outcomes. Whether you are concerned about receiving or having to pay child support, our experienced family lawyers can help.

The child support guidelines take into account factors such as the following:

  • The incomes of both the parents
  • The number of minor children in the family
  • Each parent’s share of parenting time with each of the children
  • The cost of any day care services and insurance paid for by each parent

When calculating child support, it is important to make sure you are using accurate information about income and expenses and that you are aware of situations where the courts can deviate from the child support formula. Our lawyers are highly familiar with these issues.

Parents sometimes try to hide income or provide false information to avoid paying child support. At our Law Office, we investigate your ex-spouse’s financial circumstances to calculate child support properly.

Our firm frequently assists clients with the initial establishment of child support and with the modification and enforcement of child support orders. For a free consultation with our experienced family law attorneys, call our priority line at (713) 489-1525.